Saturday, 1 April 2023

Eye-opener must read: Women don't owe you pretty by Florence Given.


If you follow me on Instagram you should see that I started a new highlight of book recommendations that I would like to share with you. I will only recommend the ones that leave an impact on me.

I recommended a book called "Women don't owe you pretty" by Florence Given and here is why...

Florence Given speaks her truth and explains her view of the patriarchy. She not only speaks about how the patriarchy affects us but gives us some solutions as to how we can solve them.

This book has made me realize why I care so much about certain things, such as how I look or why I care so much about how others perceive me or even why I get so jealous and defensive when I see a 'better' woman than me.

Not only does this book have refreshing non-sugar coating information in it's chapter but Florence has included her signature art style to get messages across to her audience too. 

 It has been sometime since I have read this book. It is somewhat of a journey trying to remember and acknowledge the problems that Given has raised about our society and if I'm being honest sometimes it slips my mind and I forget how to cope or deal with them. I think it is a good idea to keep rereading this book every now and then so that we are reminded of these things and feel more confident to stand up against this system.

Plus it is, personally, a very good read. I would recommend it to anyone 100%.

PS. Florence Given also has a podcast if you are interested in her work. 

Here is my blog post where I mention her blog: My Podcast 2022 Blog Post

Here is a link to her podcast on Spotify: Exactly on Spotify

Love Char.


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