Friday, 2 June 2023

How we Love: Clementine Ford review...

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The book "How we love" by Clementine Ford was not what I expected it to be. It is not a guide to know how to love someone but more like a  

This book is not a guide of how to love but more like a journey of all the different kinds of love that Clementine's life had to offer her. This journey is present in everyone's life story from parental love, friends and lovers. 

I found the way that this book was written was personally really calming and I felt like I could feel all the emotions that Clementine experienced during the experiences she lived through and tells us in this book.

This book is good for a person who wants to see a different perspective on what love looks like. This perspectives gave me a more refreshing look on love in the little moments that are usually dismissed within everyday life such as the small everyday conversations, moments and habits that we remember and appreciate once the moment is gone. It made me feel extra grateful for these experiences and definitely made more positive towards these small moments in the future.

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